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Order with Eurofins OnLine and Eurofins Express

Order analytics online

Ordering online or express

Round-the-clock overview and guaranteed deadlines 

With our online services you have two easy and convenient ways to access services provided by Eurofins Environment Testing companies:

With Eurofins OnLine you can order around the clock and check the status of your analyses at any time. Find out more in our videos.

For particularly urgent orders our Express analysis offers you reliable results for your declaration and asbestos analysis by a guaranteed deadline.




Umfassende Analytik für Ihr Projekt


Erweiterte Analytik für detaillierte Einblicke


Wenn es auf Geschwindigkeit ankommt

Umfassende Analytik 31 PFAS-Verbindungen 47 PFAS-Verbindungen 31 PFAS-Verbindungen
Matrix Boden & Wasser Boden & Wasser Wasser
Anwendungsbereich Erfüllt alle gängigen Normen
(EBV, BBodSchV, TrinkwV*)
Erfüllt alle gängigen Normen
(EBV, BBodSchV, TrinkwV*)
Präzision bis zu 0,1 μg/kg (Boden), 1 ng/L (Wasser) bis zu 0,1 μg/kg (Boden), 1 ng/L (Wasser) bis zu 1 ng/L (Wasser)
Kapazitäten Hohe Probenvolumina, ideal für Großaufträge Hohe Probenvolumina, ideal für Großaufträge Begrenzte Kapazitäten
Ergebnisse 14 Tage 14 Tage 5 Tage

Notfallmanagement: Schnelle PFAS-Messungen im Wasser mit Ergebnissen innerhalb von 6 Stunden nach Probenahme – nur nach individueller Absprache möglich.
*Vorausgesetzt die Probenahme erfolgt durch Eurofins Umwelt.


Good to know:

Our service, your benefits

Icon OnLine

The simple way to access your results:

Our environmental analysis OnLine

Pluszeichen_orange01 Full overview
Check the status of your sample and interim results
at any time.

Pluszeichen_orange01 Quick order
With just a few clicks choose the right analysis for
your current project from our complete range of services.

Pluszeichen_orange01 Well managed
Save recurring orders as favourites. In your user profile youhave access
to your test reports and can create your own statistics and reports.

Pluszeichen_orange01 Teamwork
Thanks to the intelligent user administration you can set up individual user
rights for order process or results overview for different employees.

Pluszeichen_orange01 Easy registration
Register online today and we will send you
you your access data by mail.

Log in and order online now:

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Not yet registered? Want more information?

Get further information


Our OnLine training for new users

Get to know our new online ordering portal. In this webinar recording we will show you all functionalities and processes. Learn helpful tips on how to make your ordering process even easier and faster.


Create an order with Eurofins OnLine »

Create new users with Eurofins OnLine »

View results with Eurofins OnLine »

Icon Express

When the time factor is crucial:

Eurofins Express order for your analysis

Pluszeichen_blau01 The express service is available for soil samples, building rubble, mineral waste and asbestos.
waste and asbestos. Also available for PFAS water analysis from December 1st!

Pluszeichen_blau01 Punctuality
We deliver the results within 24, 48, 72 hours or
5 days with a guaranteed deadline.

Pluszeichen_blau01 Additional capacities for urgent samples
Extra laboratory service and additional capacities for particularly
urgent samples which are processed with priority.

Pluszeichen_blau01 Full overview
The Express Service gives you access to the status of your analysis,
the test results and interim results at any time.

Pluszeichen_blau01 Express made easy
Register online today and we will send you
your access data by mail.

Order Express now:

Jetzt einloggen für die Expressbestellung

Not yet registered for our Express analysis? Want more information?

Get further infomation on Express analysis


Our Express analysis explained simply

Eurofins Umwelt Deutschland's Express analysis offers fast processing times and maximum punctuality! Find out about all functionalities available.