Final Agenda for in vitro Toxicology Seminar is published

Eurofins has published the final agenda for the upcoming human safety seminar on 29th November 2018 in Planegg near Munich. The following topics will be discussed throughout the seminar:
- in vitro Methods to Test for Endocrine Disrupting Properties (Dr. Helge Gehrke, Eurofins Munich)
- in vitro Skin Sensitization – Challenges to Overcome (Dr. Claudia Steinert, Eurofins Munich)
- Eye Irritation ex vivo and in vitro Methods - Current Status (Dr. Sebastian Stiller, BSL BIOSERVICE)
- GARD Platfom, Genomic Test for Skin and Respiratory Sensitization with Potency Classification (Dr. Andy Forreryd; SenzaGen)
- New developments in Genotoxicity Testing for Chemicals, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals – in vitro and in vivo Comet Assay (Dr. Christine Freitag, Eurofins Munich)
- EPISKIN reconstructed Human Tissues for Testing Strategies of Eye irritation and Skin Sensitization Assessment of Chemicals and Mixtures (Christian Pellevoisin, Episkin)
The full agenda can be downloaded here.
Register today and take the chance to visit us at our new premises in Planegg near Munich. In case of any further questions please contact us at