Prüfung von Kosmetika

Alternative test methods for cosmetics
In order to ensure consumer protection, all manufacturers of personal care products and cosmetics are obliged to identify possible hazardous ingredients in their products. In order to determine these ingredients, a toxicological test is carried out to exclude any risk to the health of consumers.
Within Europe a ban on the performance of animal testing for cosmetic products came into force on 11 September 2014. Furthermore the regulation prohibits the placing on the market of cosmetic products containing ingredients tested on animals.
Our Eurofins laboratory in Munich is a leading contract research organisation in the field of safety tests for cosmetics excluding animal testing. We are committed to complying with the 3R concept of W.M.S. Russel and R.L. Burch. This 3R concept was introduced back in 1959. It involves a complete replacement of the use of animals in research (replacement) or - if this is not possible - a reduction in the number of animals used (reduction) and a reduction in the burden or suffering to which the animals are ultimately exposed (refinement). The application of this 3R concept by promoting development and validating alternative methods for the evaluation of chemicals and cosmetics is one of our concerns. With a number of alternative in vitro test methods we are able to carry out the assessment of all necessary toxicological data GLP compliant.
As a member of the EU-NETVAL, a network of laboratories for the validation of alternative methods to animal testing (European Union Network of Laboratories for the Validation of Alternative Methods), we actively participate in the validation of new methods in cooperation with the authorities. The aim of the consortium is to assess the reliability and relevance of alternative methods that have the potential to replace, reduce or refine animal testing.
Our offer
We offer our customers a comprehensive service portfolio for the safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients:
- Skin sensitization
- Cytotoxicity including phototoxicity
- Irritation / corrosion
- Skin irritation / Skin corrosion (OECD 431, OECD 439)
- Eye irritation / Eye corrosion (OECD 492, OECD 437)
- Genetic toxicity
(incl. photogenetic tests)
- Ames test (OECD 471)
- Mouse-Lymphoma assay (OECD 476)
- HPRT Test (OECD 476)
- Micronucleus assay(OECD 487)
- Chromosome aberration test (OECD 473)
- Endocrine active substances
- Steroidogenesis ttest (OECD 456)
- Androgen receptor binding assay (OPPTS 890,1150)
- Estrogen receptor binding assay (OPPTS 1250)
- Aromatase assay (OPPTS 890,1200)
- Estrogen receptor binding assay (OPPTS 890,1300)
- Reproduction toxicity
- Embryonic stem cell test
- Carcinogenicity
- Cell transformation test (Bhas42)
- Syrian Hamster Embryo (SHE)
In addition to these standard studies, we offer our customers individual studies and consulting services according to customer specifications. These customer-specific study designs serve to address specific security risks.
Why Eurofins laboratory network?
Eurofins is a global contract research organization for the chemical and cosmetics industries, offering a comprehensive range of alternative test methods for the toxicological evaluation of cosmetics.
Our team in Munich has many years of experience in the development of alternative test methods and is actively involved in the validation of new methods.
With a large team of scientists, Eurofins laboratories are well equipped to assist you in successful, rapid and cost-effective product development in line with consumer protection and without animal tests.
Contact us to discuss your specific needs!