Eurofins WEJ Contaminants GmbH - Membership

- Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), working group §64 LFGB Veterinary drug residues in food
- Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), working group §64 LFGB mycotoxins
- Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), working group §64 LFGB MCPD- and Glycidylester
- German Institute for Standardisation (DIN), working group process contaminants
- Community Committee of the DGF and DIN, working group fat
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), Lebensmittelchemische Gesellschaft (LChG), "Arbeitsgruppe Elemente und Elementspezies"
- Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN), CEN/TC 275 WG 13, Process contamination
- Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN), CEN/TC 275/WG 5 - Biotoxins
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