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Eurofins WEJ Contaminants GmbH

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Tracing residues and contaminants

Eurofins WEJ Contaminants is hosting 4 of the Competence Centres for residues and contaminants of the global Eurofins Network complemented by extensive industry expertise particularly in the areas of flavours, spices, food ingredients, agricultural raw materials, animal food and feed. Fast reliable results, individual consulting and the legal assessment of the results by our specialised experts contribute essentially to safeguarding the quality of your products.

With additional analyses from our Eurofins partner laboratories, we act as a one-stop-shop offering you the full analytical service portfolio.

Fast and reliable results, high level of automation and latest state-of-the-art methods to safeguard the quality of your food and feed products – Eurofins WEJ Contaminants. (Click here to watch the film directly on Youtube.)

Quality and expertise

In addition to our accreditation, we are designated as an official laboratory according to Article 37 (1) Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and hold further approvals for specific analyses ad industrial sectors.  Active participation in scientific working groups and our own R&D team ensure that Eurofins WEJ Contaminants is always at the forefront when new substances come into focus.

Our Competence Centres

Our analytical expertise in residues and contaminants reaches back to the time when Dr Wiertz and Dr Lüchow founded the laboratory in 1957. Today, we annually analyse about 250.000 food and feed samples from more than 70 countries for residues and contaminants.

The following Competence Centres of the global Eurofins Network are currently located here within our organisation:

Metals and elements, radioactivity

  • Heavy metals
  • Trace elements
  • Minerals
  • Trace and content analyses
  • Inorganic arsenic
  • Radio nuclides, caesium-134 and -137 as well as iodine-131

Veterinary drugs

  • Antibiotics
  • Antiparasitics
  • Hormones
  • Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)
  • Sedatives
  • Residue and content analyses

Our analytical expertise reaches across all industries and includes raw food and finished products along with a wide range of analytically complex food and feed products such as additives and ingredients, premixes for dietary supplements and infant food as well as feed products and their premixes.

Technical equipment and R&D

Continuous investments in the latest analytical and coupling technologies as well as automation are key factors to constantly providing state-of-the-art methods and ensuring fast turnaround times in the dynamic field of contaminant analysis.

  • Equipment for homogenisation of large sample volumes according to EU regulations
  • Continuous sample flow by tube mail
  • Sample preparation robot for flexible analytical capacities (400 samples per day)
  • 80 state-of-the-art measuring instruments with various coupling techniques and automation systems
  • In-house R&D team for optimisation of existing and implementation of new analytical methods

Further awards

Our expertise


Organic Contaminants
Metals and Elements
Veterinary Drug Residues


Herbs and Spices
Fish and Aquaculture
Eggs and Poultry

Other Services

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