Eurofins GfA Lab Service GmbH - Accreditation

Accreditations and certifications
- Accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Download: Eurofins GfA Lab Service Accreditation 17025 - Methods within the flexible scope
Download: Eurofins GfA Lab Service - methods within the flexible Scope - GMP+ Approval
Download: Eurofins GfA Lab Service - GMP+ TS 4.2 Approval - Designation as official laboratory according to Article 37(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/625
Download: Eurofins GfA Lab Service – Designation acc. to Art 37(1) Reg (EU) 2017/625 (in German) - Authorisation acc. to § 26 BImSchG
Download: Eurofins GfA Lab Service Bekanntgabe Messstelle BImSchG - Examination Laboratory for Soil and Sewage Sludge acc. to § 3 AbfKlärV
Download: Eurofins GfA Lab Service Bescheid Untersuchungstelle AbfKlaerV - Acknowledgement by the French Environmental Ministry or the measurement of PCDD/F in emission samples acc. to DIN EN 1948
- World Health Organisation (WHO)-accepted laboratory or the determination of PCDDs, PCDFs in human blood and cow's milk
- QS Accreditation as laboratory in the field of feed monitorings for the parameters, dioxins, PCBs, heavy metals, aflatoxins, DON, ZEA, PAH, animal ingredients, pesticides, salmonellae, ochratoxins and methanol
- VLOG recognition
to carry out GMO analyses for VLOG-certified companies
Download: Eurofins GfA Lab Service - VLOG recognition contract
Environmental management
- Environmental Management Certificate according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2025
Download: Eurofins Food Testing Germany - Environmental Management Certificate 14001 - Environmental policy at the Hamburg site
Download: Environmental Policy of the Eurofins Food & Feed Testing laboratories at the Hamburg site in Germany