Eurofins Food & Feed Testing laboratories in Germany
Eurofins Food & Feed Testing laboratories in Germany
Here you will find "your" laboratory
The nationwide Eurofins laboratory network for Food & Feed Testing in Germany offers you tailor-made services for the analysis of food, feed, seeds, drinking water and consumer goods on the spot.
Our laboratory locations in Germany at a glance

Eurofins Analytik GmbH
Eurofins BioTesting Services Nord GmbH (in German)
Eurofins Dr. Specht Express Testing & Inspection GmbH
Eurofins Dr. Specht International GmbH
Eurofins Dr. Specht Laboratorien GmbH
Eurofins GfA Lab Service GmbH
Eurofins WEJ Contaminants GmbH
Eurofins Food Integrity Control Services GmbH
Eurofins Institut Dr. Appelt Hilter GmbH
Eurofins Inlab GmbH (in German)
Eurofins Institut Dr. Rothe GmbH (in German)
Eurofins Food & Feed Testing Leipzig GmbH (in German)
Eurofins Laborservices GmbH (in German)
Eurofins 360 degrees – your virtual lab tour:

One click to our laboratories
One click is all it takes to see what it is like in our state-of-the-art laboratories. From the fully automated sample preparation robot to the rotary evaporator and liquid chromatography, we give you insights into our analytical technologies. Come in!