Analysis of sweets

Sweets are a very diverse group of food. The main component of sweets is usually saccharose, which can be partially or completely replaced by other types of sugar or sugar substitutes. The characterising feature of sweets is usually the strong, distinct sweet flavour.
We analyse both pure confectioneries and cocoa products as well as ice cream. We check all levels of production from raw materials via intermediates through to finished products. Being an experienced partner, we support you in any questions you may have concerning the safety and quality of your product, ranging from import and storage to product development and processing up to bringing your product into circulation. Experts from the various fields along with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and the latest analytical methods are available for your inquiries.
Legal bases and guidelines
- Verordnung über Kakao- und Schokoladenerzeugnisse (KakaoV) (German)
- BLL-Richtlinie für Zuckerwaren (German)
- Leitsätze für Ölsamen und daraus hergestellte Massen und Süßwaren (German)
Membership and approvals of individual Eurofins laboratories
- Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI)
- German Federation for Food Law and Food Science (BLL)
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Industries Nuts and Dried Fruits Spices and Flavours |
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