Palm oil

Palm oil overview
The oil palm, scientifically known as Elaeis guineensis jaq, is originated from West Africa with a history of consumption dating back 5,000 years. The palm oil tree is a unique crop as its fruit produces two distinct types of oils; crude palm oil from the mesocarp and crude palm kernel oil from the kernel. Both of these oils, which are mainly made up of triglycerides, are chemically and physically different from each other.
Fast facts
Palm oil is the most widely traded edible oil. It can be found in one out of every ten food products worldwide. Its sibling oil, palm kernel oil, is extensively used in the oleochemical industry, which produces chemical feedstock for non-edible pro-ducts such as cosmetics, toiletries, industrial cleaning agents and candles.
Due to the growing global demand for these oils in the last decade or two the areas under oil crop cultivation increased tremendously. Today the industry based on palm oil and its derived products has become of major importance for many countries.
Your challenge
Legal regulations with regard to environmental pollutants and adequate analytical controls of palm oil, palm kernel oil and derived products contribute to the protection of the customer and the environment and shall minimise long-term residues and contaminants.
Legal bases and guidelines
- Codex Alimentarius for edible fats and oils
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 (setting maximum levels for certaqin contaminats in foodstuffs)
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 277/2012
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