Olive oil panel
"Hanseatisches Olivenölpanel"

Sensory classification of virgin olive oils at the highest level
Our olive oil panel “Hanseatisches Olivenölpanel” (HOP), accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, is a panel officially approved by the Hanseatic City of Hamburg and included in the European list of recognised panels according to COI/T.20/Doc. No 15. Under this condition, the sensory panel received the recognition of the International Olive Council (IOC/COI).
Proven quality: recognition of the International Olive Oil Council (IOC/COI)
Since December 2020, our Hanseatisches Olivenölpanel (HOP) has been recognised by the International Olive Council (IOC/COI). This year we have received this recognition again for the year 2024. It confirmes that we can provide the sensory panel test for virgin olive oils in accordance with the COI methods under defined conditions and that we are allowed to determine the corresponding olive oil category.
This means that we meet the strict requirements for the performance of sensory panels for the evaluation and classification of virgin olive oils. Thus, the comparability of the results to other international panels is given. We have also been approved by the German Institute for Hygiene and the Environment of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg as a testing group for the assessment and control of the organoleptic characteristics of olive oil.
You can rely on the quality of our results.
Performance of the olive oil panel “Hanseatisches Olivenölpanel”
The performance of our olive oil panel HOP is continuously reviewed in a monitoring programme. This tracking of the panel is carried out according to the statutes of the COI and includes both daily and long-term quality controls to determine the repeatability, precision and accuracy of the results.
This includes the determination of Z-scores for the samples and a replication measurement on a daily basis.
In the long-term, we maintain control charts for replication measurement, control correctness measurement, and participate in inter-laboratory comparisons and proficiency testing.
Independent sensory analysis in a good network
The HOP offers independent and unbiased sensory analysis across countries. In doing so, the HOP and especially the panel management has a large network to other international olive oil panels and to other institutions. These include the COI, the University of Florence and UC Davis University in California.
The network completes our extensive knowledge of cultivation, technology, and climatic conditions, which then flows into our HOP's trainings. This also includes trips of the panel leadership and panel members to the growing regions to constantly expand knowledge and expertise. Training oils or the first olive oils of a new olive oil campaign are then our constant accompaniment.
High quality requirements for the members of our olive oil panel
In order to ensure that the quality standard of our olive oil panel permanently remains at the highest level, we pay special attention to the necessary training of our employees. The criteria required for this correspond to the defaults of the COI. Our aspirants complete approximately 40 hours of training before the method is transferred to them. This training includes theoretical introductions, practical training sessions and joint sensory tastings.
After successful participation in the training for aspirants, two hours of practical training per month follow as an examiner, as well as annual one-day classroom meetings with external instructors and theoretical training (including an online training system). In this way, our quality standards guarantee you a comprehensive and professional sensory inspection of your virgin olive oils.
Unique range of services: a holistic concept for your market success
The sensory panel result is the visible part of a comprehensive range of services. We also offer you a holistic concept of quality assurance, but also of quality development. This includes
- production control and approvals
- supplier comparisons
- marketability control
- shelf-life studies
- interpretation of panel results
- sensory aroma profiling
- testing against set specifications
- product positioning in the market/benchmark tests
- audits also in the growing countries
The size of your company is irrelevant, we adapt the modules to the aspects that are necessary and useful for you. Our panel management, in cooperation with our account managers, forms a team of experts who will provide you with comprehensive advice and offer you solutions tailored to your personal requirements.
Webinars and seminars on olive oil
To broaden your knowledge, we offer you
- seminars
- webinars
- trainings
- accompanying trips to olive oil producing countries
The seminar/webinar series is divided into a Basic and an Advanced course. It covers topics such as olive cultivation, production and technology, sensory testing of virgin olive oils and recognising qualities and olive oil defects.
In addition to the Basic and Advanced courses, we also offer seminars and training courses tailored to your individual requirements, which can take place either at your premises or at Eurofins Analytik GmbH in Hamburg. Please contact us for further information.
Do you have any questions?
Are you interested in the services of our olive oil panel “Hanseatisches Olivenölpanel” or would you like to discuss any questions with us? Our panel management is looking forward to your inquiry.
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