Food and feed sectors
Analyses for your industry
Analytical solutions for your industry
Every product of the food processing chain places its own demands on feed and food analysis. Not only do possible impurities deriving from the production process need to be taken into account, but also, for example, the value-attributed proportion of components and factors that have an influence on the marketability of the product. Select your industry sector to learn more about the analytical possibilities and quality assurance of your product.
Our industry offers at a glance
Other industries
Genereal food
- Baby Food
- Convenience
- Eggs and Poultry
- Fish and Aquaculture
- Fischmeal and Fish Oil
- Food and Dietary Supplements
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Grains
- Herbs and Spices
Coumarin - Honey and Other Bee Products
Honey Authenticity - Meat and Meat Products
- Milk and Dairy Products
Milk Alternatives - Nuts and Dried Fruits
- Oils and Fats
Olive Oil
Sensory: Olive Oil Panel - Organic Food
- Palm Oil
- Sweets
News special: Organic foods
- The EU Organic Regulation at a glance
- The specific risk of your organic products: twelve key questions
- Update on organic legislation: the use of flavours in organic food
- Due diligence and evidence obligations in the new EU Organic Regulation
- Bundesverband Naturkost und Naturwaren e.V. (BNN) withdraws orientation value for bromide
Interesting industry news
- New version of the Guidelines for fruit juice and fruit nectar
- The Nutri-Score – all important facts and novelties at a glance
- Vegan food: testing for undesirable allergens
- Novel food: insects – food of the future?!
- Risk assessment of sunflower, soy, rapeseed & co.
- Overview of certificates and attestations for your food supplements
- Regulatory limits for ergot alkaloids and ergot sclerotia in grains
- Plant-based alternative: algae as a sustainable protein source
- Tips for producers of meat substitutes
- Beverage industry trends – fruit shots, immune boosters, juice cures
- A2 milk – Milk of the future?
- Legal innovations, legal requirements and EC alert notifications: Eurofins Food Legislation News
Research & development: Our Eurofins industry highlights

State of the art: authenticity analysis of honey
Honey, its composition, specification and associated methods are clearly defined and described in internationally recognised standards such as CODEX, EU, ISO, DIN and guidelines of various trade and beekeeping associations. Questions of authenticity arise at two levels. On the one hand, "pure" honey may have been stretched by the addition of sugar, syrup and/or water. Secondly, if the honey has a more detailed description indicating botanical, geographical or topological origin, this description may be false, even though the product is "pure" honey.
The Honey Competence Centre of the Eurofins laboratory network for Food and Feed testing in Germany is the first laboratory in the world that has been able to offer the authenticity analysis of honey using liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-Orbitrap-HRMS) as a DIN/ISO 17025 accredited method. LC-HRMS in combination with 1H NMR-profiling, 13C stable isotope analysis (EA/LC-IRMS) and pollen analysis/sensing is considered the most advanced and reliable authenticity analysis for honey on the market worldwide.

Determination of the olive oil origin
By means of 1H-NMR spectroscopy, it is possible to determine the origin of olive oils. The quality of the reference database is crucial in this process: Eurofins Analytik GmbH as part of the Eurofins laboratory network for Food and Feed testing in Germany has collected and analysed over 1000 reference samples of extra virgin olive oil from Italy, Greece and Spain in its profiling database from recent years, representing the most important cultivation areas and varieties in Europe. To verify the origin of the oil to be analysed, the NMR profile of the sample is matched with these reference samples. The classification model achieved an overall accuracy of at least 96% in the cross-validation tests.