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WEBINAR GMO maize: From current market requirements to analytical solutions for new events

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Analytical challenges posed by GM maize: growing, approvals and innovative detection methods

The dynamic development and market introduction of new genetically modified maize events poses new challenges for the food and feed industry as well as for analytical laboratories. In our webinar, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the current GMO cultivation situation with a focus on GM maize and current EU authorisations. Special attention will be given to the introduction of GM maize events that cannot be detected by conventional screening methods.

We will give you an insight into the design of an efficient and comprehensive analysis strategy for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that is specifically tailored to the requirements of global retail chains. In addition, we present to innovative screening methods that will help you to quickly and accurately exclude new GMOs from your products.

The webinar will also focus on genetically modified maize from China. The cultivation of these events, which are currently not authorised in the EU, poses particular challenges for manufacturers of food and animal feed, as these GMOs are subject to zero tolerance in the EU. We will show you how you can reliably exclude the most important of these Chinese genetically modified maize varieties.

Webinar content

  • Global cultivation & EU authorisation of GMO maize
  • Efficient analytical strategies for GMO analysis
  • Innovative detection methods for new maize events
  • Exclusion of Chinese GM maize without EU authorisation


Your speaker

Ulf Rathjens, Eurofins GeneScan GmbH

Ulf Rathjens
Sales Manager
Eurofins GeneScan GmbH
Ulf Rathjens is a qualified biologist and has been working in the Eurofins network for over 20 years. He is responsible for sales and customer support, specialising in molecular biology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Mr Rathjens is a member of international networks, various organisations, committees and associations that deal with genetically modified organisms, among other things.

Your benefit

In this webinar, you will get a compact overview of the latest developments in GM maize and learn how you can adapt your analysis strategies to current market requirements.

The data at glance

Webinar: GMO maize: From current market requirements to analytical solutions for new events
Date: 22 May 2025, 10-11 a.m. (CEST)
Level: beginners and advanced
Target group: Employees in quality management, product development, purchasing and management. From start-ups to established manufacturers and international retailers.
Language: English
Price: free of charge