WEBINAR on demand: Food allergens - Update assessment of risks and threshold values

New FAO/WHO recommendations fuel the debate on allergen threshold values
Initiated by the Codex Committee on Food Labelling, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have carried out a comprehensive risk assessment of food allergens in recent years. With recommendations on priority allergens, threshold values based on reference doses and recommended trace labelling, the experts have given new impetus to the discussion on how to deal with allergens and allergen traces.
What impact will the new recommendations have on national legislation? What concepts or guidelines currently exist? Based on recent publications by the FAO and WHO, the expert committees of the German monitoring organisations ALS and ALTS have adopted new assessment values for allergens. The majority of these guidance values for official monitoring are higher than the previous values from 2019.
We will give you an overview of the changes to the assessment values, explain the methodological requirements for allergen detection and how we can support you in analysing allergens.
Webinar content
- Risk assessment of food allergens - New FAO/WHO recommendations
- Changes to the allergen assessment values of the German monitoring system
- Allergen detection methods and analytical requirements
Your speaker
Dr Sandra Kerbach
Scientific Project Manager, Eurofins Analytik GmbH
Dr Sandra Kerbach studied biology and holds a doctorate in molecular biology. She has been working for Eurofins in allergen analysis since 2007. Dr Kerbach is also an active member of the §64 working group "Food Allergens", the MoniQA network and is internationally networked in the allergen community.
Your benefit
In this webinar, you will receive a compact overview of potential sources of allergens and GMOs and learn how you can analyse your specific risk.
The data at glance
Webinar: Food allergens - reassessment of risks and threshold values
Recording from 28 November 2024
Level: beginners and advanced
Target group: Food manufacturer
Language: English
Price: free of charge