Change of email addresses at Eurofins Food Testing Germany

Email address change to optimise IT security
Apr 2023.In order to protect itself against ransomware threats and hacker attacks, Eurofins continuously and consistently takes all measures to keep the IT security of its global network of companies at the highest level. As part of an ongoing IT security improvement project, all Eurofins companies are gradually receiving new email addresses for both employees and collective mailboxes.
What are the new email addresses?
The new email naming convention for the Eurofins Food & Feed Testing laboratories in Germany is as follows: becomes The "ftdach" stands for Food Testing in the area Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH). First and last names are separated by a dot.
Which laboratories and companies have already been converted?
The following Eurofins Food & Feed Testing laboratories and companies in Germany have already been converted:
- Eurofins CLF Specialised Nutrition Services GmbH
- Eurofins Food Integrity Control Services GmbH
- Eurofins Food & Feed Testing Leipzig GmbH (in German)
- Eurofins Laborservices GmbH (in German)
- Eurofins SOFIA GmbH
With the changeover, please use the new email addresses immediately to ensure that we do not miss any of your emails and prevent any possible delay in responding to your requests.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding the email changeover, please contact your personal account manager.