German regulation on the Promotion of the Quality of Raw Milk (RohmilchGütV)

These changes apply since 1 July 2021
Aug 2021. The German Milk Quality Regulation (MilchGüV), which had been effective since 1980, was replaced by the new Regulation on the Promotion of the Quality of Raw Milk (RohmilchGütV) as of 1 July 2021. The main changes in content from an analytical point of view involved the extension of the inhibitor test and the adjustment of the general conversion factor of 1.03 for the conversion from liters to kilograms.
Replacement of the previously applicable Milk Quality Regulation
The Milk Quality Regulation (MilchGüV) of 1980 established the requirements and procedures to ensure the quality of raw milk and set the criteria for payment of delivered milk by purchasers.
The introduction of the Raw Milk Quality Regulation (RohmilchGütV, in German) took technological advances and changes in the quality requirements for raw milk into account. The implementation of the Raw Milk Quality Regulation in the federal states was harmonised by the new regulation. The regulation applies to raw milk produced within the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and taken over by a purchaser from the producer. The aim is to improve the quality of German raw milk. For this reason, raw milk produced outside Germany is not included in the Raw Milk Quality Regulation (RohmilchGütV).
Quality characteristics of raw milk
The following six quality characteristics are stipulated in the regulation for the examination of raw milk with specified examination procedures:
- fat content
- protein content
- total plate count
- inhibitors
- somatic cell content
- freezing point
In agreement between the buyer and the producer, other quality characteristics can be included as part of the quality inspection and for payment of the raw milk, such as lactose content, pH value, GMO-free feeding of the dairy cows, or compliance with the criteria for pasture milk.
Changes in inhibitor testing
There is now a stronger focus on testing inhibitors that can get into the milk as a result of antibiotic treatments of the cows. To this intent, the purchaser must test any raw milk for at least the inhibitor groups penicillins and cephalosporins using a rapid test prior to decanting. This procedure had often been common practice in the past and was implemented on a mandatory basis when the new regulation came into force.
Within the scope of quality testing, the following changes in inhibitor testing were implemented as of 1 July 2021:
- Expansion of inhibitor testing from two to four tests per month to include the inhibitor groups penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, macrolides and lincosamides, sulfonamides, and tetracyclines.
- At least two inhibitor tests per year for the inhibitor group quinolones
In the event of a positive inhibitor finding, modern, high-resolution analytical methods can be used to identify the inhibitor in question, so that the source of the inhibitor can be traced together with the producer.
Implementing all requirements with expert advice and analysis
We are happy to support you in the identification of inhibitors and veterinary drugs and in all questions concerning the quality and risk management of milk and dairy products. Our expert Annette Hufnagel or your personal account manager are looking forward to your enquiry!