Meat sourcing – Strengthening of the brand image

In most cases premium meat products are advertised with claims on the label (e.g. organic, from a defined origin or farm, associated to a meat organisation). Nowadays, the control of such claims along the whole production chain is mainly done by paperwork. Our Genomic Meat Sourcing (GMS) service enables an additional analytical verification in the future. This additional security strengthens the brand image as well as the trust of the consumer in this brand.
Genomic Meat Sourcing (GMS) – Trace back the meat origin!
- The first step for analytical meat sourcing is the generation of a customised database. From the group of animals that are used for the production of a premium meat product (see above) samples are taken from each individual animal. The sampling can take place either in the slaughterhouse during the slaughter process (swabs, but also tissue, blood or hairs are possible) or at the farm during ear-tagging. For the latter, special ear-tags are available that automatically conserve the punched tissue.
- In the next step these samples are used for the generation of a DNA profile. Each DNA profile is individual and unique for its animal (= genetic fingerprint) and is deposited in the database.
- At later stages of the supply chain a sample is taken e.g. at the meat counter in a shop and a DNA profile of this meat sample is generated.
- Like in forensics, where such a DNA profile is used to find the offender, the Genomic Meat Sourcing (GMS) service enables the verification if the meat sample really derives from an animal in the database.
Genomic Meat Sourcing (GMS) enables the analytical control of the whole production chain and uncovers an intentional or unintentional substitution of high value meat by low value meat. This is of big advance for the producer as well as the consumer at the same time: the analytical verification of the claim increases the trust in the brand.
For which animal species can this service be used?
The GMS service is mainly offered for premium products from beef and pork. For sheep and goat product sourcing, please contact us.
Do you have further questions on GMS?
Please do not hesitate to contact us.