Detection packages for genetically modified canola

Challenges in GM-canola analysis you should know about
Feb 2021. Eurofins offers a comprehensive range for the qualitative and quantitative detection of GM canola events. For complex sample types (e.g. compound feed), individual scopes of analysis can be compiled, which also take into account special customer and import requirements. In this article, we present important information that you should consider when setting up your GMO monitoring with regard to canola.
GM-canola: Cultivation situation and global trade at a glance
In the commercial use of genetically modified plants, the main crops are soy, cotton, maize and canola. According to a recent report by the agency ISAAA (International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications), these four plants account for 99% of the global cultivation area of genetically modified plants. Genetically modified (GM-) canola was cultivated on approximately 10.1 million ha in 2019. This represented 27% of the world's canola acreage in 2019. In the world's largest canola growing country, Canada, GM-canola was grown on approximately 95% of the total canola acreage. In addition, GM-canola is also grown in the USA, Australia and Chile.
Although no GM-canola is commercially cultivated in the EU, significant quantities of canola are being imported, with Canada, Ukraine and Australia among the main producing countries. Due to the dominant cultivation of GM-canola in important producing countries, reliable GMO testing packages for canola are therefore essential.
Not every screening is suitable for GM-canola detection
Canola poses several special requirements for GMO analysis. One challenge in testing canola samples for GMOs is that an important screening assay in GMO analysis, the CaMV 35S promoter screening, is not recommended for samples containing canola. Due to possible natural Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) infections of canola, it is important to use detection packages that allow a broad screening while avoiding CaMV 35S promoter screening. Eurofins' reliable GM-Canola screening packages, CanolaScreen and CanolaScreenPlus, have always met this requirement.
Why the composition of the screening package is crucial
Another challenge is the fact that canola seeds can persist in the soil for a very long time and are still viable years after sowing. For example, the EU's implementing decision of 16.09.2019 as regards to the tolerance period for traces of MS1×Rf1, MS1xRF2 and Topas 19/2 oilseed rape refers to this point. For this reason, a potential presence of GM-canola events that have not been marketed for many years must also be taken into account for a risk assessment on potential GMO inputs and the setup of suitable detection packages for GM-canola-screening. The GM-canola screening package CanolaScreenPlus, also reliably detects these events. Eurofins has recently developed a new detection method and integrated it into the CanolaScreenPlus package, with which this group of GM-canola is clearly addressed in the screening. This significantly minimises the effort, costs and time required for follow-up tests.
Individual consulting on the GMO analysis of your products
Our expert Ulf Rathjens will be happy to personally answer your questions on the current cultivation and approval situation of GM canola and other genetically modified crops. Together we will develop suitable analysis strategies for your products.