Expert sensory testing

Expert sensory analysis uses precise methods to evaluate and describe foods. Trained tasters are used. The results can be statistically analysed.
For the following questions Eurofins has trained examiners available:
- Does the product meet the market perception or is it marketable?
- How can the product be described sensory?
- Is there a difference between the products? Is the difference significant? How big is the difference?
- How can a product be profiled?
- What causes off-flavours in the product?
- Are the products tested according to a sensory specification?
Eurofins is focused on:
- Creation of sensory standards and specifications as part of product development or production control.
- Sensory quality assurance or quality control
- Evaluation and classification of products according to internal quality requirements of customers with specifications
- Verification of a product within the framework of a marketability test
- Comparison of products with competitive products
- Determination of changes and evaluation of product modifications
Special competencies:
- Sensory tasting and evaluation of vegetable as well as animal oils and fats
- Refined and native oils according to the DGF unit method
- Olive oil according to Regulation (EEC) No. 2568/91
- Honey
- Nuts and dried fruits
- Tea, coffee
- Cereals
- Consumer goods within the scope of conformity testing
Our panels are available for a selection of product groups.
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sensorik (DGSens)
- Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG)
- DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
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